News Worthy

Check Out the Club Merch

fccc hoodie

Yep, we are damn proud of our club and we know that our members are too. We created some “Club Gear” and would love for everyone to check...

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How ‘Socio-Emotional Learning’ Became Another Vehicle For Anti-White Racism In Schools


A learning focus popular in public schools has been converted into a vehicle for teaching critical race theory to elevate favored students based prima...

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Marilyn Manson Under FBI Investigation For ‘Human Trafficking’?! Ex Esme Bianco Hints At Shocking Evidence!


These Marilyn Manson accusations are about to explode. Over the past two weeks we’ve been watching carefully as more and more women have ...

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Goodbye Dear Friend

Rush at a 2016 MAGA Rally

“To those people that listened to him every day, it was like a religious experience for a lot of people. His fans. They just wouldn’t miss him. A very...

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You Say You Want a 3rd Party?


by Fred Propheter, President of the Frederick County Conservative Club I had planned to address this topic at the last two meetings of th...

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VOTE NO on SB 627 – Vote to Repeal the Law Enforcement Officers Bill of Rights


We call our police officers when we need help. Now we NEED to help them. The Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee is set to vote on Monday even...

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County creates act that will let police arrest ‘feds’ who violate 2nd Amendment: ‘Don’t try that here’


NEWTON COUNTY, MO – Well this is unexpected. A number of counties within the United States have passed various iterations of Second Amendment ...

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A message from FCSO Sheriff Chuck Jenkins about the future of the School Resources Officers (SRO) program in Maryland


The removal of School Resource Officers (SRO) from our schools, as outlined in Maryland House Bill 496 and Senate Bill 245 in front of legislature rig...

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Stop H.R. 1: Unconstitutional Federal Takeover of Elections


Stop H.B.1 & S.B.1 The (Anything But) ‘For The People’ Act The Democrats are racing to pass H.R. 1, the “For the People Act&#...

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Heritage Foundation Podcasts


Below are a list of podcasts by The Heritage Foundation that we highly recommend. A weekly podcast that explains major policy issues and at...

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