News Worthy

VOTE NO on SB 627 – Vote to Repeal the Law Enforcement Officers Bill of Rights

News Worthy

We call our police officers when we need help.

Now we NEED to help them.

The Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee is set to vote on Monday evening, February 15, to repeal the Law Enforcement Officers Bill of Rights. If the committee passes the bill, it could be on the Senate floor later this week. 

It’s critical that EVERYBODY contact your legislator and other members of the committee right now to ensure that due process rights for law enforcement officers are protected. 

Law enforcement officers deserve a hearing or trial board that includes representatives of law enforcement of equal rank to protect our rights.  We need people to participate who have walked in our shoes.

Contact your legislator immediately. 

Tell your lawmaker that eliminating due process rights for frontline officers only gives more power to the police commanders who the “Commission to Restore Trust in Policing” found responsible for existing problems. Sadly, this bill gives commanders absolute power, despite the commission’s findings that they are part of the problem.

Follow the link to take action now.

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