Letter from the FCCC President

News Worthy

Greetings Fellow Patriots & Countrymen,

It’s hard to believe another month has blown by. It seems like we were just at the Great Frederick Fair. I started to write this (in my mind) last weekend, and I’m glad I didn’t. It would not have been pretty, nor received well.

When I was installed 22 months ago, we were a group of ‘talkers’. 6-8 of us sitting around Mexicali Cantina talking at each other and 4 walls. Sorry, that’s not me. Talk is cheap and there are plenty of other groups out there that talk incessantly. If that’s your thing, go for it.

No one will stop you or speak unkindly of you for it. We are the ‘doers’ in town. One year ago, we did the Trump Bus Rally. 100 miles across Frederick County, hitting the byways and little ‘burgs’ and ‘boroughs’ that make this our home, and we got noticed. Big time. And we grew. 3 bus trips to DC, first one bus, then 2 busses for the 2nd and 3 for the 3rd on 1/6/21.

3 weeks ago, I put out a call for door knockers to help get out the vote for Robert Fischer and Michelle Shay. Last Saturday 10/23 there were seven (7) who showed up including myself, the 2 candidates and Dylan Diggs, President of RCFC. To say I was embarrassed and upset would be an understatement.

Fast forward to yesterday, our 2nd round of door knocking. The good news is, we doubled our numbers but, not because of this group. Now, I realize I did not send an email and personally invite everyone of you but, we did have the events posted on our Facebook page and I am able to see how many of you saw it. Tuesday will prove whether a little extra effort can make a difference in victory, or if apathy still reigns true in the Conservative so-called movement in Frederick.

That said, we have 244 days until the June 28 primary. We have an excellent stable of candidates running at all levels and some running against all odds. We don’t want to get up on June 29 and see our candidate was left at the gate so to speak because they were unknown. It will take door nocking, Meet & Greets and maybe a house party or two. Let’s not wake up on the 29th and have to say “If I had only done…” You fill in the blank.

Our November Meeting is just 8 days away. You read that right. Our meeting will be on MONDAY November 8, 6pm at our new Elks Lodge home. Due to a scheduling problem at the Elks Lodge, we were not able to get our usual Wednesday night.Join us and our 2 featured guests, Delegate Neil Parrott CD6 candidate, and Robin Ficker, Maryland gubernatorial candidate. They will bring their vision for 2022 and beyond to our table.And speaking of table, you do not want to miss the Taco Bar buffet that the Elks are putting out.Dinner will be $15 for members, $20 for non-members and those that RSVP after 12 noon on Friday November 5. Please RSVP and get all the details here.

Upcoming Events

Our own Membership Chair, Ashley Nieves is having her run for Board of Education kickoff event on Friday November 19 at the Frederick Elks Lodge. Come on out and support Ashley! Details here.

Our December guest has already been booked, possibly our next Lt Governor Gordana Schifanelli is one busy lady these days, and we are honored to have her. This will be on our usual 2nd Wednesday of the month, December 8. You don’t want to miss this one!

“It’s better to be boldly decisive and risk being wrong than to agonize at length and be right too late.”

Marilyn Moats Kennedy

Fred Propheter

Frederick County Conservative Club, President
P.O. Box 3422
Frederick, Maryland 21705

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